Brands Ninja has been at your service for the past 15 years, since 2007.
Brands Ninja was previously known as AB virtual shop until a recent management change. In Amazon and eBay, we were called Israel Gateway - with hundreds of thousands of loyal customers with whom we shared our global creations and sourcing.
All our products are officially Licensed - guaranteed - or your money back! Additionally, most of our items have a photo of the licensing tag on it. Our merchandise is the latest word, and over 90% of it is exclusive to us - meaning you cannot find the EXACT same product anywhere else. You may find a similar Spiderman or Batman hat, for example, but NOT the exact same design. How do we do it? We source from all over the world, because of our extensive connection to global suppliers and from places most online sellers in North America do not or cannot source from. Not only that, because of our lifelong connection to our suppliers, we have access to the latest trends in teenage and children's brands in novelty, apparel, and sports merchandise.